Applauding the Women of Leighton Buzzard

Dignitaries attend the Leighton Buzzard International Women's Day Celebration

Applauding the Women of Leighton Buzzard

Deputy Lieutenant of Bedfordshire attends Leighton Buzzard’s celebration of International Women’s Day

Saturday 8th March was a day of celebration around the globe as women came together to celebrate International Women’s Day.

Hosted by local the Bees Knees CIC a local business women’s network and supported by Leighton Linslade Town Council the event featured local women who are making a difference in the community.

Attending was the Deputy Lieutenant for Bedfordshire, Colonel Leona-Barr, MP Alex Mayer, Leighton Buzzard Town Mayor, Cllr David Bligh and former Town Mayor Farzana Kharawala and Cllr Victoria Harvey.

As pictured left to right: Bekka Prideaux of Bees Knees, Mayor David Bligh, Deputy Lieutenant Colonel Leona-Barr, MP Alex Mayer
and Chloe Peters of Bees Knees

The event was well attended with many local people showing their support for the event.

Stands on the day included these female led local organisations:-

  • Fairtrade Leighton-Linslade
  • Citizens Advice Bureau (CAB) Leighton Buzzard
  • Leighton Buzzard Arts Society
  • Spectrum Community Arts
  • Flux Photography
  • Singing Mammas
  • Happydashery
  • Farzana Kharawala – representing women in politics
  • Bee Local Magazine
  • Digitally Deconstructed
  • The Bees Knees CIC – organisers of the event
  • Freddie and Friends – provided refreshments to fundraise for their organisation

International Women’s Day is a day of celebration but also a day to highlight the plight of women and girls who suffer violence, poverty, rape, deprivation and inequality simply because of their gender.

The Bees Knees CIC is a women’s business network fundraises for period poverty, providing free period products around the town in collaboration with Year 8 girls from Gilbert Inglefield Academy and there form tutor Mrs Timberlake, Head of Humanities & PSHE

Find out more about the The Bees Knees CIC more about International Women’s Day

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Andrena Carden-White is the editor/owner of Bee Local Magazine. The magazine was founded in 2012. Use the contact page to get in touch.