Leighton Buzzard featured on 3 Counties Radio

Leighton Buzzard featured on 3 Counties Radio

Leighton Buzzard locals ‘turned out’ and ‘spoke out’ about Leighton Buzzard.

This morning (4th February) popular presenter Andy Collins of BBC’s Three Counties Radio hosted his usual 6am-10am show from The Winery in Leighton Buzzard.

Whilst sampling a few tipples from The Winery owner, Johnny, he spoke to many locals about what was great and not so great about Leighton Buzzard.

Town Mayor, David Bligh, spoke of the incredible community spirit and the many voluntary organisations that come together to support our community. When asked what what was missing he spoke passionately about the need for a health hub and the disparity in the services compared with other areas.

The lack of infrastructure was echoed by many, with concerns about the facilities available in light on the many new developments and houses. Traffic was also mention but Andy was quick to add that it was nothing compared to Aylesbury!

Podcaster, Laura Winton, added to the many benefits of the town and spoke about our wonderful open spaces and opportunities for young people.

Other local people popping up were Leighton Fun Runners, Chilli Island, Ollive Vees Comedy Night and Leighton Buzzard’s narrow guage railway.

A highlight was hearing from the effervescent and enthusiastic Jade from Spectrum Community Arts who had Andy getting his ‘jazz hands in action.

You can listen again to the whole show on the BBC Three Counties website

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Andrena Carden-White is the editor/owner of Bee Local Magazine. The magazine was founded in 2012. Use the contact page to get in touch.