Exploring Beds and Bucks Green Initiatives

Exploring Beds and Bucks Green Initiatives

Ahead of Great Big Green Week we are exploring some of the green initiatives in and around Leighton Buzzard, Beds and Bucks.

There’s no doubt there are a lot of great initiatives going on where we live. We check out the events planned for Great Big Green Week on 8th to 16th June and also look at the other organisations making their mark.

Events For Big Green Week in our area

Love Nature In the Church Yard

Sat 8 June 10.30 am to 2pm. All Saints Church, Church Square, Leighton Buzzard, LU7 1AE

Celebrate nature in our beautiful churchyard which is a haven for wildlife. Free events for all ages include: follow our tree trail; play wildlife bingo; make wildflower seed bombs to take home; help with our nature count for a national event. You can also buy pollinator friendly plants at our plant stall. Refreshments are available in the Church Café.

Explore Pond Life
Sat 8th June, Sun 9th June, Sat 15th June, Sun 16th June at Natural History Museum, Tring Sessions are 10.30am to 12 noon or 2pm to 3.30pm

Swap your screen for a pond tray and see what you can discover! Explore water from our pond and use your investigative skills to identify the invertebrates living in this habitat. Drop-in. No booking required. Please note: event will be cancelled if heavy rain. This event will take place in the quad outdoor area. Free parking available in our two car parks

A Guided Walk Through Victorian Plantation

Tuesday 11th June 6.30pm to 7.30pm.

Join some of the Friends of Knolls Wood for a revealing tour of the unique 7 acre historic patch hidden in the north end of Leighton Buzzard.  The Friends group have been looking after the woodland for 40 years, initially protecting it from the threat of development  now doing our bit for conservation and biodiversity.  Hear about the prominent local family that planted the ornamental trees 180 years ago, stand in awe of Beech Avenue and go back in time walking down the carriageway of Monkey Puzzle Avenue. Meet at the Sandy Lane entrance (half way up the untarmacked bridleway), what 3 words location: newly.awake.prove

A Walk Amongst the Trees

11am to 12.30pm The Forest Centre, Station Road, Marston Moretaine Bedford, MK43 0PR

How do trees communicate? What challenges do they face? Why is tree planting important? Our passionate and knowledgeable Community Engagement officer, Jo Roberts will be answering all these questions, and more, on an inspiring stroll around our Wetlands Nature Reserve at the Millennium Country Park. Jo will be sharing the history of our origin by taking a closer look at the trees we plant, delving into their uses, their value to us and our native wildlife, and the folklore surrounding them.We will be meeting at Reception at the Forest Centre. No dogs are allowed on this walk.Please dress for the weather and make sure to wear sturdy footwear.

To book a free spot or for more information about accessibility visit their website https://www.marstonvale.org/Pages/Events/Category/events-whats-on

What is Business Doing About the Planet – a panel discussion

Thursday 13th June, 19:30 to 21:30 Berkhamstead Civic Centre, 161-163 High Street, Berkhamstead HP4 3HB

Gardening for Wildlife

7.30pm – 9.30pm High Street Baptist Church, 89 High Street, Tring HP23 4AB,

All welcome to this FREE event, part of Tring’s Great Big Green Week. Nick Bowles will lead an evening of simple suggestions to help you to adapt your garden, increasing biodiversity and attracting wildlife such as butterflies, birds, bees and bugs. With time for you to ask for specific help – so come along with your questions!

There will also be relevant books for sale at a book stall run by Tring’s fantastic Our Book Shop.

Passionate about saving wildlife from a young age, Nick gives advice to landowners and organisations about ways to increase biodiversity and if possible to do so simply and whilst saving on costs.

More Events from Big Green Week

Your can find all the events in your area and further details by visiting https://greatbiggreenweek.com/

Big Green Initiatives

The Leighton Buzzard area and surrounding towns has some amazing green initiatives working to help our local environment and our planet here are few:-

Buzz Community Energy Group

Buzz Community Energy, formed in Linslade/Leighton Buzzard which includes the Parish of Billington is looking to develop a pipeline of projects, starting with a school roof solar project. Their vision is for every community to harness the power of renewable energy to create a sustainable and resilient future where energy independence becomes a reality.

Leighton Linslade in Bloom

Through the Leighton-Linslade in Bloom initiative they have encouraged and brought together business, organisations and volunteers to support and help develop floral, sustainable and environmental habitat areas across Leighton Buzzard and Linslade. https://www.leightonlinslade-tc.gov.uk/leighton-linslade-in-bloom/

Fairtrade Leighton Linslade

Fairtrade Leighton-Linslade was Bedfordshire’s first Fairtrade Town! The steering group is led by volunteers who live locally. Fairtrade is a system of certification that aims to ensure a set of standards are met in the production and supply of a product or ingredient. For farmers and workers, Fairtrade means workers’ rights, safer working conditions and fairer pay. For shoppers it means high quality, ethically produced products. https://www.fairtradell.co.uk/

Repair Cafe leighton Buzzard

The Repair Café Leighton Buzzard have a team of volunteers who can fix many items for free or a small fee, avoiding items ending up in landfill and extending the longevity of the things we use. Repair Cafes are popping up all over the country. https://repaircafe.leightonbuzzard.org/

Wing Wood

Forestry England are working with Buckinghamshire Council who own the site, to create the new woodland. The woodland created will capture carbon, restore and connect habitats, enhance biodiversity and be managed in a sustainable way. The woodland will also be accessible for the local community to enjoy.

This woodland will be an important part of the work we’re doing expanding the nation’s forests over the next five years and will be delivered through the Government’s Nature for Climate Fund.

Wing Wood will include a range of broadleaf and conifer trees, five new wildlife ponds and a community orchard as well as accessible paths for walking and cycling. https://www.forestryengland.uk/wing-wood-community-woodland

Other Organisations working to sustain our outdoor spaces

Friends of Knolls Wood https://www.knollswood.com/

Friends of Linslade wood http://www.linsladewood.info/

Leighton Buzzard P3 group who are upkeeping local footpaths contact  jonoxley@icloud.com

Commercial Ventures Making A Difference

The Refill

Leighton Buzzard Shop The Refill sell dry goods, household cleaning products, body care and lifestyle products, which are organic and ethically sourced as much as possible.  The shop is self-serve! You weigh your own containers, write the weight on it, fill up with as much as you’d like, and bring it to us at the till.

7 – 9 Ropa Court, Friday Street, Leighton  Buzzard, LU1 1DU https://therefill.co.uk/

Mimic Gifts

Also in Leighton Buzzard Mimic Gifts have a large refill station for liquids such as Shower Gels, Bubble Bath, Shampoo, and Household cleaners and laundry detergents you just need to bring your own bottle.

25, Market House, Market Square, Leighton Buzzard LU7 1EU https://mimicgifts.co.uk/

Oxford Wood Recycling

It’s further afield but worth a mention this social enterprise and charity.

Oxford Wood Recycling carries out an average of 150 waste wood collections a month from both commercial and domestic sites. The majority of wood is sent to power stations and the rest of sufficient quality is reused. Volunteers help to clean up the reclaimed wood and offer it for sale through the Abingdon Wood Shop. All of Oxford Wood Recycling’s financial surpluses are re-invested back into the organisation.

Oxford Wood Recycling also runs Wood to Work, a programme that enables people with a disability or significant disadvantage and who face barriers to working, to find, access and remain in employment through specialist employment support.

Unit 4, Suffolk Way, Abingdon OX14 5JX https://www.oxfordwoodrecycling.org.uk/

Tipple Time Travel

Your favourite Beer, Wine or Gin will usually have taken a flight or quite a long road trip to be quaffed by you. Choosing local produce is an easy way to help the planet and fortunately we have some great tastes right here.


Two local breweries are worth a mention and that is the Leighton Buzzard Brewing Co and Tring Brewery. Both produce quality products available in local bars and online.


Warden Vineyard have ‘low wine mile’ products, experiences, tours and days out and some produce to purchase. Visit their website for stockists near you or to by online.


Moorend Road Distillery is based in Northampton and produces No52 Gin

And Finally

Local farmers markets and farm shops have been around for years and stock locally sourced, and locally grown products. Here are some of the local ones.

Leighton Buzzard Farmers Market is the third Saturday in the month and you can see all the dates here

Tring Farmers market is the 2nd and 4th Saturday every month and you find out more here

Woburn Food Market the 3d Sunday every month you can see more here

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Andrena Carden-White is the editor/owner of Bee Local Magazine. The magazine was founded in 2012. Use the contact page to get in touch.