Ella’s Story

We’d like to share a lovely story about a very brave dog called Ella. She came to us earlier
this year underweight, neglected and suffering from terrible mange. With love and care she
responded to treatment and we were very impressed by her sweet nature. She won the
hearts of her prospective new owners during her recovery and they were happy to wait
until she was fully recovered before she set off for her new life.
Not only has she become a much loved family pet but Ella also has a job! Ella has become a therapy dog working with her owner in a special educational needs provision school. The children love her calm and
gentle presence and she has helped some of them to overcome a fear of dogs. She will also be helping reluctant readers by sitting with them while they read to her. What a journey for a dog who came to us in such an appalling state! Her owner says ‘this happy dog creates smiles wherever she goes’. I hope she has made you smile too!

To support our work you can make a one-off donation of £3 by texting APPLE to 70111, or
donate via Paypal using the ‘DONATE Support a Cause’ option. Cheques are very welcome
Appledown Rescue & Rehoming Kennels, Harling Road, Eaton Bray, Beds LU6 1QY
01525 220383 (10am-1pm & 2-4 pm) e-mail: appledown.kennels@btinternet.com
Website: www.appledownrescue.co.uk Viewings are by appointment only